MVCA is conducting an environmental assessment (EA) of the Kashwakamak Lake Dam located in the Township of North Frontenac on the main stem of the Mississippi River. The dam was constructed in 1910 and has reached the end of its useful life.
Project Background
In 2020, MVCA conducted a Risk Assessment and in 2021 a Dam Safety Review (DSR) that concluded that structural issues at the dam needed to be addressed within 5 years. MVCA added this work to its 10-year capital plan and applied for and secured a grant from the Federal Government (Infrastructure Canada’s Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF)) and the Provincial Government (Water and Erosion Control Infrastructure (WECI)) to support planning, design, and construction activities. In March 2023, MVCA hired McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd. to conduct a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study to determine how best to address dam deficiencies.
Environmental Assessment Process
This project is being carried out in accordance with the process for Conservation Ontario’s Class EA for Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects under the Environmental Assessment Act. A Class EA characterizes the study area, identifies alternative solutions, evaluates each alternative’s potential impacts on the natural, cultural, social and economic environments, and identifies measures to mitigate potential adverse effects. The EA process ensures that community members, Indigenous communities, stakeholders, and public agencies are engaged at key points during the study to identify and consider options for resolving the issue.
Project Status
The project officially launched in May 2023 with a Notice of Intent for the Kashwakamak Lake Dam Class EA issued to stakeholders, the public, property owners, technical agencies, municipalities, and Indigenous Communities. Since then, the McIntosh Perry team has conducted several studies to develop and assess possible alternatives:
- Cultural Heritage Evaluation
- Existing Environmental Conditions Investigation
- Hydraulic Analysis Memorandum
- Marine Archaeological Assessment
- Stage 1 and Stage 2 Archaeological Assessments
- Geotechnical Investigation and Design Recommendations
A Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment will be conducted in Spring 2024.
The team is currently preparing a draft report that identifies and evaluates potential solutions. Solutions under consideration are the following:
- Alternative 1: Do Nothing
- Alternative 2: Decommission the Existing Dam and Construct Passive Control System
- Alternative 3: Rehabilitation of the Existing dam
- Alternative 4: Replace Existing Dam at the Same Location
- Alternative 5: Construct New Dam Downstream
Public Consultation
In August 2023, MVCA reached out to various organizations and advertised an opportunity for people to participate on a Community Liaison Committee (CLC). The purpose of the CLC is to hear various perspectives and obtain early input at key points in the study process in advance of engaging the broader public through more traditional consultation means.
The first CLC meeting will be held upon completion of a draft evaluation report. Following the meeting, comments will be considered before releasing the draft report to the broader public for comment. The CLC meeting and a public information session are expected to occur mid-winter and early-spring, respectively.
All documents will be posted on this website when available for comment.