The Authority delivers a variety of programs and services that the province has divided into three categories:
- Mandatory, as described in O.Reg. 686/21.
- Municipal, subject to O.Reg 687/21 and section 21.1.1 of the Conservation Authorities Act.
- Other, subject to O.Reg. 687/21 and section 21.1.2 of the Conservation Authorities Act.
- Municipalities are obligated to fund Category 1 programs and services.
- Only Category 1 programs and services are eligible for the Section 39 provincial grant.
- All Category 2 or 3 programs and services that are funded in whole or part by municipal levies must have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Cost Apportioning Agreement (CAA) with participating municipalities.
MVCA is primarily funded by its member municipalities, user fees, grants, and donations. Effective January 1, 2024, some programs and services will be ineligible for certain types of funding and subject to regulatory requirements, specifically:
User Fees
Conservation authorities are required to adopt a Fee Policy and annual Fee Schedule. Refer to embedded links for details.
Annual Budget
The annual budget is developed and approved over a period of months as shown below.

Capital Planning
The Authority adopted its first 10-year Capital Plan in 2018, which has been updated annually since 2022.
Our Foundation / Donations
The Mississippi Valley Conservation Foundation was established to help fill funding gaps. Its objectives are to:
- Conserve the healthy water environment and natural resources of the Mississippi and Carp River watersheds,
- Preserve places of natural, ecological, and cultural significance in the watershed, and
- Engage the general public and stakeholders in conservation education and awareness.
It is administered by an independent Board with one member of MVCA’s Board of Directors acting as liaison between the two organizations. All donations are very much appreciated! Donate here.
MVCA carries out purchases in accordance with a Board-approved Purchasing Policy