MVCA Launches Year Round Education Programs :

March Break & PA Day Nature Camps Registration Now Open: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Land Conservation & Resource Strategy

Stream beside the Mill of Kintail Museum
Sitting on a rock at the Palmerston-Canonto trail look-out
Mill of Kintail Museum
Canoeing through wild rice
Farm Lake Dam

Conservation authorities are required to review their land holdings and the programs and services they deliver by the end of 2024 in accordance with O.Reg 686/21.  The resultant strategy is to:

  • guide land acquisitions, development, and disposals;
  • demonstrate how MVCA’s land (and easements etc.) integrate with other publicly-owned properties and enhance natural heritage in our jurisdiction;
  • establish acceptable land uses and the programs and services for each site; and
  • identify funding sources for those programs and services.

The strategy will also inform the design and delivery of MVCA’s programs and services by:

  • providing guiding principles and objectives;
  • outlining how MVCA will track progress against them;
  • identifying gaps and challenges to delivering programs and services;
  • development pressures, funding needs, and revenues.

Consultation Process

A Discussion Paper and Current State Report were released for review in July, with the comment period ending September 6.  A virtual information session and two surveys were used to collect feedback both on the Discussion Paper and on recreational based activities associated with conservation areas.  Thank you to all who took part!  Find the results here:  Discussion Paper Survey; Recreation Survey.