MVCA Launches Year Round Education Programs :

March Break & PA Day Nature Camps Registration Now Open: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Casey Creek Flood Plaid Mapping

MVCA has completed draft flood plain mapping for Casey Creek. The project identifies flood prone areas for the 100-year flood event. Casey Creek, a tributary to Constance Lake, is located in the northeast end of the City of Ottawa. The main channel of Casey Creek extends a distance of approximately 6.5 km from Marchurst Road, at the upstream end, to its outlet at Constance Lake. The outlet of Casey Creek discharges to Constance Lake through the Provincially Significant Constance Creek Wetland.

Open House Recording

A virtual public open house was held on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. View the recording here.


Stakeholders and special interest groups who wish to provide additional feedback may schedule 1:1 meetings with MVCA staff. To arrange for a meeting, email