Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Report a Concern


    Should you wish to report a concern to assist the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) regarding a possible infraction under Ontario Regulation 41/24, please fill out the form below.

    Describe your observation and identify the location to the best of your ability. If possible, please include a photo. MVCA staff may contact you for clarification or additional information.

    No further action is required once you have submitted your report. Procedural rights prohibit MVCA from providing updates on the status of its investigations. Not all reports will result in an MVCA investigation as concerns may fall outside of MVCA’s regulatory authority.

    Hazardous Land Examples:
    i. Flood Plain
    ii. Erosion/Slope Hazard
    iii. Provincially Significant Wetlands
    iv. Other Regulated Wetlands
    v. Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses

    We do not respond to the following concerns:
    Developments or subdivisions proposed: If you have concern about a subdivision or development being proposed, contact your local municipality.
    Spills: If you believe a spill has occurred and is contaminating the environment, call the Spills Hotline at 1-866-MOE-TIPS (663-8477) - 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
    Tree cutting: Tree cutting is subject to municipal by-laws, which means you need to contact your municipality. Tree cutting within a wetland may be a concern to the MVCA.
    Garbage dumping, noise complaints, property standards or septic concerns: Contact your local municipality.
    Neighbour's trespassing and longstanding drainage issues: Please raise the concern respectfully with your neighbour or contact the appropriate agencies.

    See MVCA's Regulation and Policies or the Interactive Property Map for more information.

    By completing this form, you confirm you understand these procedures:

    Your Contact Information

    Reported Location


    *This page is mandatory

    Describe your concern, including any relevant details about the occurrence or site:

    Please answer the following:

    • What regulated feature do you think is being impacted?

    • What type of work is taking place?

    • Is the work ongoing or complete?

    • What type of equipment was or is present? Was there any identifying information on the equipment (i.e., company name, phone number, logo, etc.)?

    • Have you notified any other agencies/municipalities about this concern?

    Review and Submit

    Please review your submission using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons.

    Your submission is not complete until you press the "Submit" button below.