Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Planning Advisory Services

MVCA's planning advisory program for municipalities helps create a balance between the community needs and the needs of the natural environment.

Conservation Authorities are delegated the review of Planning Act applications for Natural Hazard. The Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement and associated regulations determine the planning process in Ontario. These documents outline the environmental and resource management responsibilities of all conservation authorities.

The MVCA planning advisory program reflects the two principle approaches to Ontario's planning process - long range planning and development review.

At the municipal level Official Plans and Zoning By-laws are reviewed to ensure natural hazards—such as flooding and erosion—and natural heritage issues—such as wetlands and unstable soil or bedrock —are considered.

The short term/development review component of the planning program is the review of development proposals advising decision makers of conflicts and implications with regard to the conservation authority objectives and conforming to matters of provincial interest. Short term planning includes the review of:

  • Official Plan Amendments
  • Zoning By-law amendments
  • Plan of Subdivision or Condominium
  • Site Plans
  • Severances
  • Minor Variances