There are eleven municipalities in MVCA’s jurisdiction and each is entitled to appoint at least one member to the Board of Directors. The number of municipal appointees to the Board is based upon the population of the municipality within the watershed. Municipalities may appoint elected and unelected members to the Board.
In addition, the province has appointed an independent Agricultural Representative to the Board. There are 18 Board Members in total, as set out below.
Executive Committee
The mandate of this committee is to:
- Review and provide guidance regarding agenda.
- Annual work planning and performance review of the General Manager.
- May approve the tender and award of WECI-funded contracts falling within budgets approved by the Board.
- While in a state of Emergency Operations, may also carryout items B) 1. c) ii, iv, vi, and xv on behalf of the Board.
Current members are the following:
- Chair of the Policy & Planning, Bev Holmes
- Board Chair, Paul Kehoe
- Board Vice Chair, Jeff Atkinson
- Chair of the Finance & Administration Committee, Janet Mason
Board of Directors
Municipality | Member | Contact |
Addington Highlands, Township of | Helen Yanch, Councillor | 613-336-8774 |
Beckwith Township | Richard Kidd, Reeve | 613-257-1539 |
Carleton Place, Town of | Jeff Atkinson, Councillor | 613-301-5823 |
Carleton Place, Town of | Dena Comley, Councillor | 613-250-0484 |
Central Frontenac, Township of | Cindy Kelsey, Councillor | 613-336-8277 |
Drummond/North Elmsley, Township of | Paul Kehoe, Councillor | 613-200-1272 |
Greater Madawaska, Township of | Taylor Popkie, Councillor | 613-433-4457 |
Lanark Highlands, Township of | Jeannie Kelso, Councillor | 613-278-1391 |
Mississippi Mills, Municipality of | Bev Holmes, Councillor | 613-316-0501 |
Mississippi Mills, Municipality of | Mary Lou Souter, Councillor | 613-256-2064 |
North Frontenac, Township of | Roy Huetl, Councillor | 613-812-9462 |
Ottawa, City of | Glen Gower, Councillor | 613-580-2476 |
Ottawa, City of | Cathy Curry, Councillor | 613-580-2474 |
Ottawa, City of | Clarke Kelly, Councillor | 613-580-2475 |
Ottawa, City of | Allan Hubley, Councillor | 613-580-2752 |
Ottawa, City of | Janet Mason, citizen app. | 613-276-1066 |
Tay Valley Township | Wayne Baker, Councillor | 613-203-4691 |
Provincial Agricultural Representative | Steven Lewis | 613-978-1589 |

Finance & Administration (F&A)
The mandate of this committee is to consider and make recommendations to the Board regarding:
- Annual budget, audit, and financial statements
- Borrowing and reserve fund management
- Wages, benefits, per diems, honorariums, and mileage rates20
- Fee setting and other cost recovery
- Personnel matters
- Organizational structure
- Employee Manual policies
- H&S Manual policies
- Procurement policies
Current members are the following:
- Allan Hubley
- Janet Mason, Chair
- Roy Huetl, Vice Chair
- Richard Kidd
- Jeff Atkinson
- Paul Kehoe
- Jeannie Kelso
- Mary Lou Souter
- Cathy Curry
Policy & Planning (P&P)
The mandate of this committee is to consider and make recommendations to the Board regarding:
- Conservation Authority legislative and regulatory matters, and policies and plans thereunder that are not financial in nature. This includes resource management, conservation and other matters falling under Sections 20 and 21 of the Act.
- All Administrative By-law matters and policies and plans thereunder that are not addressed by the F&A Advisory Committee.
Current members are the following:
- Bev Holmes, Chair
- Dena Comley, Vice Chair
- Clarke Kelly
- Cindy Kelsey
- Glen Gower
- Helen Yanch
- Steven Lewis
- Taylor Popkie
- Wayne Baker
This Committee is an Administrative Tribunal within the definitions of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. Section 28(3) of the Conservation Authorities Act allows for a hearing before this Committee before an application is refused. It is the purpose of the Regulations Committee to evaluate the information presented at the hearing by both Conservation Authority staff and the applicant and to decide whether the application will be approved or refused.
Current members are the following:
- Paul Kehoe, ex-officio
- Jeff Atkinson, ex-officio
- Janet Mason
- Richard Kidd
MVCA has two citizen advisory committees:
- Mississippi River Watershed Plan Public Advisory Committee (PAC); and
- Mill of Kintail Museum Advisory Committee (MAC)
Mississippi River Watershed Plan PAC
The role of the PAC is to:
- help gauge community interest in specific actions;
- provide input to the annual prioritization of actions;
- disseminate and collect information within their target sectors and communities to support project design and delivery;
- support community uptake and project implementation by engaging with member municipalities and community partners; and
- provide constructive feedback regarding implementation successes and challenges.
Current PAC members are the following:
- Dena Comley, Board Co-chair
- Katie Surra
- Bruce Moore
- Doreen Donald
- Ed Giffin
- Terry MacHardy
- John Karau
Mill of Kintail Museum Advisory Committee
The purpose of the museum advisory committee is to advise the Authority on the protection, promotion and presentation of the Dr. R. Tait McKenzie Collection and James Naismith Collection, and help to facilitate the development of the Mill of Kintail site and programming.
Current MAC members are the following:
- Bev Holmes, Board member liaison and Co-chair
- Darcy Moses, Board Co-chair
- Wendy Bridges
- Lucy Carleton
- Diana Jackson
- Sara Chatfield
- Kathy McNenly
- Sarah More