Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Shabomeka Lake Dam Rehabilitation

Posted on 18 October 2021 in News

Construction will begin at the dam on the week of November 15, 2021.

In December, the earth embankments will be rehabilitated through the installation of a soil-cement-bentonite cut-off wall, riprap protection and crest heightening. In addition, the north embankment will have an emergency overflow spillway installed.

Final inspections and site cleanup will take place in January, 2022.

To aid construction, Shabomeka Lake will be held 30 cm lower than normal until the spring freshet.

Temporary access to the north shore will be provided downstream of the worksite for the duration of the project.

For project updates, please visit

Thank you for your patience and support as we complete this important project!