Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Mississippi River Canoe Route (Day 3)

May 27, 2013: West Dalhousie Lake to Sheridan Rapids Bridge

Travel Time: 2 hours

The put in was easy at the west head of Dalhousie Lake (just had to follow my dried blood stains). There are many cottages scattered for the most part along the south side while on the north they were clustered at the east end.One had the feeling of being able to step into the wilderness on the north or to find a Tim Horton’s not too far from the south shore.

It was a lovely paddle down to Sheridan Rapid’s Bridge. To my great liking there were a goodly number of water fowl, loons, hawks, song birds, Great Heron, a couple of Mallards and Pintails.

Aerial view Dalhousie Lake to Sheridan Rapids
Paddling Dalhousie Lake

Read all Bob Kelly’s posts from his paddle of the Mississippi River Canoe Route in the spring of 2013.