DRAFT Land Conservation & Resource Strategy:

A draft of the Land Conservation & Resource Strategy is now available for review. The comment period ends November 22, 2024. Weren’t able to attend our virtual information session? Check out the video and presentation slides. For more information and reference material visit the project webpage: Land Conservation & Resource Strategy – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Meet MVCA's Board of Directors!

Posted on 1 March 2023 in News

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority recently held our 55th Annual General Meeting at our Administration Office for Board of Directors committee members to attend. At this time, MVCA staff welcomed new and returning Board of Directors committee members to the table for the 2023 year.

Top Row, Left to Right: Councillor Roy Huetl, Citizen Appointee Janet Mason, Councillor Paul Kehoe and Citizen Appointee John Karau
Middle Row, Left to Right: Councillor Helen Yanch, Councillor Cindy Kelsey, Councillor Mary Lou Souter and Councillor Dena Comley
Front Row, Left to Right: Reeve Richard Kidd, Councillor Cathy Curry, Councillor Bev Holmes, Councillor Clarke Kelly, Councillor Taylor Popkie and Councillor Jeff Atkinson
Missing From Photo: Councillor Andrew Kendrick, Councillor Glen Gower and Provincial Agriculture Representative Steven Lewis