Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Load Limit on K&P Trail

Posted on 17 December 2020 in News

As part of an ongoing review of MVCA’s conservation area assets, a structural and safety assessment was undertaken of the K&P Trail bridge over the Clyde River in the Township of Lanark Highlands. 

The assessment determined the bridge deck and railings do not conform to current standards and should be replaced; the remainder of the structure is generally considered to be in satisfactory condition for a structure of its age. Options for the replacement of the bridge decking will be reviewed over the winter.

As a result, effective immediately a new load limit of five tonnes has been put in place for the Clyde River bridge on the K&P trail. The bridge is located approximately halfway between the communities of Folger and Clyde Forks.

In December 2020, MVCA along with the Snow Road Snowmobile Club completed upgrades to the pedestrian railing on the bridge to meet standards.

For more information contact Ross Fergusson: 613-253-0006 or