Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

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Areas of Need

Mill of Kintail Museum

Celebrates the life and work of basketball inventor Dr. James Naismith, and R. Tait McKenzie renowned physiotherapist and sculptor.  Donations support continued operation of the museum and capital renewal of the heritage site.

Education and Living Classroom

Donations to this program support life long learning of conservation matters through the use of on-site and remote learning tools.

Conservation Areas

MVCA operates five conservation areas and owns several other properties for the purpose of land conservation.  Donations to this program support capital renewal and improvements, and the acquisition of land for conservation purposes.

Wetlands & Stewardship

Donations to this program support scientific studies and our work with landowners to protect and enhance habitats and the ecosystem services they provide.


Donations are directed where needed to meet strategic objectives.

Ways to Donate