Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Forms and Fees

Once you have confirmed with MVCA that a permit is required, the permit application form can be submitted online and emailed to

Timelines:  The CA Act and O. Reg. 41/24 outlines distinct timelines associated with CA reviews of permit applications:

1. Upon receipt of an application and applicable fee, the Authority has 21 days to notify the applicant in writing whether or not the application is deemed a “complete application”.

2. Once an application is deemed “complete”, the CA will complete their review and make a decision. The CA has 90 days for review of a major application and 30 days for the review of a minor application.

Per subsection 28.1 (22) of the CA Act, if the CA has not made a decision within 90 days, the applicant may appeal the application directly to the Ontario Land Tribunal on the basis of a non-decision. All timelines presented are in calendar days, and exclude statutory holidays.

See Administrative Review Policy for more information.

Fees:  Fees vary depending upon the complexity of works and type of permit required.  Check the fee schedule.

Fees can be paid over the phone by credit card (613-253-0006), by e-transfer ( or by mailing a cheque to our office (10970 Highway 7, Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1).

Validity:  Permits are valid up to a maximum of two years from the date of issuance.

Local planning approval:  If you are submitting applications to your local municipality under the Planning Act, MVCA may be required to comment on behalf of the province, or to provide technical advice to the municipality.  MVCA fees for planning reviews are collected directly by the municipality or county.  Check the fee schedule.
