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Carp Creek Environmental Assessment & Tender

The Carp Creek Embankment Restoration project is located within Glen Cairn community between Terry Fox Drive and Eagleson Road. The project is undertaken in order to provide protection to the Carp Creek embankment which is currently unstable due to flooding and severe erosion occurring primarily along the southeast embankment. A Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) was initially completed for the Carp Creek Embankment Restoration from September 2017 to December 2018.

A portion of the south embankment of Carp Creek is excessively eroding, resulting in a steep cut or "scarp" that will continue to erode adjacent public property if no action is taken.

Through the 2017/2018 Class EA process, it was determined that the Technically Preferred Alternative was to partially realign Carp Creek, install a live crib wall, and provide plantings and erosion protection to protect the toe of slope and other points along the creek. However, upon further consultation during the detail design phase, the City of Ottawa requested that an alternative design concept be considered. The new alternative, based on natural channel principles, is intended to provide more room for the creek’s natural functions and will reduce the amount of infrastructure requiring long-term maintenance.

In accordance with the guidance document for Conservation Ontario Class Environmental Assessment, an addendum should be undertaken should a “change in an environmental setting, or other unforeseen circumstances may necessitate a change to the proposed undertaking”. Therefore, MVCA and City of Ottawa have elected to prepare an addendum to the original Class EA to review the planning, provide an opportunity for interested parties (i.e. governing agencies, stakeholders and the public) to provide comment and ensure mitigation measures are still valid for the proposed additional alternative solution/design concept.

In November 2020, MVCA and City of Ottawa staff held a meeting with directly affected residents on-site to present the new alternative and receive their feedback. Shortly after this meeting, an addendum to the Class EA was prepared which describes the circumstances necessitating the change, the environmental implications of the change and what mitigation methods will be employed to mitigate the negative environmental effects of the change.

Detailed design for the new alternative was completed in the spring 2021. The detailed design was approved by reviewing agencies and permits required for construction obtained.

In June 2021, the project was tendered for construction. The tender results are provided below:



Goldie Mohr Ltd.$187,241.00
In-Depth Contracting$523,382.10

The contract was awarded and construction is scheduled to begin November 21, 2022.
