Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Ice Monitoring Observation Program


The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority is looking for volunteer Citizen Scientists to assist with ice monitoring data collection.

Citizen Science is increasing becoming recognized as a valuable tool for scientific research as it both engages the stakeholders and increases the amount of data that can be collected. The volunteers that contribute their time and energy to this project will provide valuable information that MVCA would be otherwise unable to obtain.


Collect data on ice on, freeze up, break up, and ice off dates for lakes across our watershed. The information collected through this program will assist with MVCA’s flood forecasting and warning program and will be utilized in various research projects, primarily centered around how the ice regime is changing in response to climate change and the implications for water quality and quantity throughout the Mississippi Valley Watershed.

Role of Citizen Scientists

Volunteer Citizen Scientists can expect to dedicate minimal time to this project – we estimate a couple hours spread across the winter season. We are looking for lake residents who have waterfront property or access the lake regularly and can provide observations on several key ice phenology dates based on visual observations, namely; ice on, freeze up, break up, and ice off dates. 

Questions? Need More Information? Contact the Ice Monitoring Program Coordinator: