Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Complete Transaction

Orders will not be processed until payment has been received.

Our payment policy as recently changed, making annual passes pro-rated for the balance of the year based on the month they are purchased on.


  • $48.95 Including HST per pass (this is valid for one vehicle only)
  • 2 vehicles $78.34 Including HST
  • Additional vehicles $26 + HST per pass (must be in the same household as the original pass purchaser)
  • Replacement passes are $15 + HST (contact MVCA for a replacement pass: 613-253-0006)
  • Passes expire on December 31, 2024

If you chose Credit Card as your method of payment, please phone 613-253-0006 during our office hours and dial 0 to reach reception and complete your transaction.

If you chose E-Transfer as your method of payment, complete your transaction using as the payee