Land Conservation Strategy Surveys:

Have a say in the future of your watershed and the programs delivered by MVCA! Fill out our Discussion Paper Survey

Help inform future recreation planning by completing our Recreation Survey.

Deadline for Comments September 6, 2024. 

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship


Posted on 26 May 2021 in News

Uncertain Future for MVCA Conservation Areas

May 26, 2021 – Proposed provincial regulations governing conservation authorities (CAs) will remove visitor amenities such as parking lots and…

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Posted on 26 May 2021 in News

Public Sector Member Wanted for Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Committee

MISSISSIPPI AND RIDEAU WATERSHEDS, May 27, 2021 — The Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region (MRSPR) is seeking a Source Protection Committee…

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Posted on 21 May 2021 in Events

Casey Creek Open House

June 9 @ 7:00 pm

MVCA has completed draft flood plain mapping for Casey Creek. A virtual public open house will be held on Wednesday, June…

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Posted on 4 May 2021 in News

Leashed Dogs Benefit All Visitors

Keeping your dog on a leash and cleaning up after it will ensure a pleasurable experience for all visitors.

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Posted on 3 May 2021 in Events

Board of Directors Meeting

May 19 @ 1:00 pm

Agenda The regular MVCA General Membership meeting schedule is being maintained; however, meetings will be held virtually. Delegations are encouraged to…

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Posted on 21 April 2021 in News

Mill of Kintail Museum Public Information Session

Watch the Public Information Session.

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