Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

Agricultural Newsletter

Posted on 21 March 2025 in Agricultural Newsletter, News

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) is reaching out regarding projects and programs that may be of interest to the agricultural community.  Feel free to call or email to discuss any matters in the e-newsletter.

Hazard Identification & Management Strategy 

MVCA is required by the province to identify and manage natural hazards and wetlands within its jurisdiction.  Natural hazards include:  floodplains and areas of erosion and unstable soils or bedrock.  Development of the Strategy will involve identifying and prioritizing information and mapping gaps and developing an approach for addressing them.  More information on our regulatory mapping program can be found here.  Email if you would like to be contacted when the draft strategy is scheduled for consideration by MVCA’s Policy & Planning Committee later this year.

2025 Flood Plain Mapping projects

MVCA is preparing or updating floodplain mapping for the following areas this year.  Email if you would like to receive information or notifications regarding any of these projects.

  • Fall River, Townships of Tay Valley and Drummond North Elmsley
  • Feedmill Creek, Stittsville
  • Shirley’s Brook, Kanata
  • Tributaries A, B, C to the Carp River, West Carleton

Flood plain mapping involves confirming elevations in and adjacent to a watercourse, current land uses within the drainage area, and modeling run-off and hydraulic flows under different scenarios to determine where the land will flood under a 1:100 year event.  This work may also identify and map erosion risks and a river’s meanderbelt.

Stewardship Programs

MVCA offers a variety of stewardship programs.  Do you have a project idea for 2025?  Contact us at to learn more or call 613-253-0006 ext. 253.

Provides farmers with financial and technical support to implement stewardship projects on marginal farmland.  This may include yearly payments to maintain their projects.  Funding is available in 2025 for wetland creation/restoration, tree and shrub planting, pollinator patches, delayed haying, and more.

Provides grants to rural and agricultural landowners within the City of Ottawa for projects such as exclusion fencing, chemical storage, precision farming and more.  Visit our website for a full list of eligibility criteria and projects.

Helps farmers to build on proposed projects by providing 1-stop shop access to a variety of on-farm and rural stewardship programs within the region.  Visit to learn more.

Land Conservation & Resource Strategy

 The Strategy was approved by our Board in December and will guide the work of MVCA over the next 10-20 years.

Sally McIntyre | General Manager  | Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
10970 Highway 7, Carleton Place, ON  K7C 3P1 |t. 613 253 0006 ext. 223 |  f. 613 253 0122  |