Mill of Kintail Nature Day Camps: Education Programs – MVCA

Your partner in risk management, resource conservation and stewardship

City Stream Watch

MVCA is proud to be part of the City Stream Watch (CSW) program. Since 2003, this program has worked with volunteers to monitor and report on information about our urban creeks and streams in the City of Ottawa.

The goal of the CSW program is to obtain, record, and manage valuable information on the physical and biological characteristics of creeks and streams in the City of Ottawa, while ensuring that they are respected and valued natural features of the communities through which they flow. The program relies on and encourages the interest and commitment of volunteers from the community, guided by an experienced coordinator, to learn and conduct macro stream assessments in the local waterways, and then assist in stream clean-ups and stream rehabilitation projects on sites the assessment highlighted.

City Stream Watch schedule 2019-2022